Cross Over is a faith-based ministry. It will not surprise you that we appreciate any kind of support! There are several ways in which you can be involved: Pray, Volunteer and Give.
First of all, you can pray with us. Being a faith-based ministry, prayer is the starting point for everything we do. You can pray for the children, for the mentors, for more mentors to be raised up, and many other things. If you feel called to pray with us and would like to know more specifics, please fill in our contact form so we can send you a quarterly prayer e-card.
Secondly, we make use of a wide network of volunteers with specific skills. If you see yourself as one of those volunteers, we’d love to connect with you.
We have an immediate need for the following volunteers:
experienced teachers or home schoolers anywhere in the world to help us develop the curriculum, research curriculum resources and write lesson plans. We have set up templates in such a way that volunteers can get involved from anywhere in the world.
We very much welcome volunteers with different expertise areas as well. Please read our prospectus for other volunteer opportunities.
​We welcome any financial gift. We invite you to consider sponsoring a mentor or teaching materials. For $2400 per year (or $200 per month) we can take on one full time mentor for a group of 12 children.
If you like to save money with children for a special project, we are happy to provide you with some ideas, like:
​colouring and writing materials from $10 dollar onwards
paper from $10 dollar onwards
a black board, $30 dollar
a start-up trunk, $250 dollar
materials for a new Lighthouse, $500 dollar
a laptop, $700 dollar

So far we have managed to not spend money on overhead costs.

The safest way to transfer money is to first contact us directly. We will then inform you about the best way to transfer the funds. We are committed to informing you immediately after the funds have arrived.